
Weights & Measures

By December 19, 2018 No Comments

Let’s discuss weight training vs cardio.  Both forms of exercise are necessary for good health, but depending on your goals, one could be better than another.

If you’re looking to strengthen you heart and respiratory system, cardio is it for you!  If you’re looking to lose weight, build strong bones and muscles, the weights have it!  It’s true, women carry more body fat than men.  There are a couple of reasons for this 1. women are built this way 2. women do not weight train like men.

It is very important to keep your heart and lungs in tip top condition – so don’t skip the cardio.  But don’t stop there. it is also important to keep your body fat at a healthy percentage and to keep bones and muscles strong.  You see, cardio will burn muscle and fat, while weight training burns fat and builds muscle.  When you have strong muscles you burn fat, even when you’re laying on the couch!  Winning!

You can put two people who weigh 150 lbs side by side and they can look very different.  Don’t listen to people who say muscle weighs more than fat, a pound is a pound whether it’s fat, muscle or flour.  However, there is a difference, muscle is more dense (compact) than fat, so the 150 lb woman who lifts weights can wear clothing several sizes smaller than the woman next to her, who doesn’t.  Remember, it’s not about the scale or the size of your jeans, it’s about being strong and healthy.

Weight lifting is especially important as we age.  Weight bearing exercises help prevent osteoporosis and keep up strong and mobile.  When we get older, doing what we once considered an easy task, becomes much more difficult.  During the natural aging process, our muscles start to shrink and atrophy, weight training helps slow this process.  Many aging people lose their independence due to their inability to complete daily activities without the risk of injury – weight training can help you maintain that independence and avoid assisted care facilities or depending on family members.

Oh and Ladies, don’t worry, weight training does NOT make you bulky!  Eating too much makes you bulky.  Weights will make you tone, lean and your clothes will fit better.  I encourage everyone to kick it up a notch, you’ll love how you look & feel!

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